Pune operations started in the year 1995 as a small concrete mix design consultancy. Today, it has emerged as a leading laboratory in western Maharashtra catering for Builders, Developers, and Contractors and corporates.

Durocrete Pune operations have been accredited under ISO 17025 by International Accreditation Service (ISO). Today Durocrete caters to a large spectrum of almost 1000 loyal customers.

This laboratory acts as a parent laboratory to all other Durocrete laboratories. It caters to customers in three test categories, mainly mechanical, chemical and non destructive testing, covering almost 200 tests on various building materials such as cement, steel, concrete, soil, sub soil, fly ash, gypsum, lime, micro silica, wood and plywood to name a few.


Mumbai Laboratory

Mumbai operations started in Dec 2011 with testing facilities such as mechanical, chemical and non destructive testing of concrete. Within a short period of time, Mumbai accredited under ISO 17025 by International Accreditation Service ( USA) for its entire scope of tests. Durocrete Mumbai operations has picked up well and is popular with customers in Mumbai due to its good service and rapport with the customers. Today, our Mumbai operation caters to the many renowned Builders, Contractors, Developers and Corporates in Mumbai and Mumbai suburban region.

Nashik Laboratory

Durocrete Operations at Nashik were started in the year 2002 by Late Mr. Sunil Hinge, a well known engineer in the construction fraternity in Nashik. It started with a concrete mix design consultancy which now caters for testing in the fields of Mechanical, non destructive testing of concrete and soil investigation as well.